
CERA 2023 on "Dis/Continuities in Contemporary Islamism" in Vienna

The Conference on Extremism and Radicalization Austria (CERA) of the Documentation Centre Political Islam (DPI) was held for the second time on 24 November 2023. This year's conference took place under the title "Dis/Continuities in Contemporary Islamism" with more than 60 participants. The event was moderated by Köksal Baltaci. The topics discussed included social and ideological developments in political Islam, questions of religious freedom and global trends in Islamism.

This year's event was once again attended by renowned figures from the fields of science and research. The conference was welcomed and opened by DPI Director Lisa Fellhofer. The experts included Katharina Pabel, Florian Hartleb, Zoltan Pall, Behnam Heidenreuter, Andreas Kowatsch, Ulrich Wagrandl, Tommaso Virgili, Omar Sayfo, Gordon Sammut, Ralph Thiele, Heinricht Kreft, Johan Christoph Gümmer and Hans-Jakob Schindler. The following panels were organised as part of the conference series:

  • "Flexibility and Consistency in Ideology"

  • "Important Legal Cases Concerning the Freedom of Religion"

  • "Political Islam in the Realm of the Social"

  • "Global Trends in Islamism"

CERA once again successfully provided space for a broad and interdisciplinary scientific discourse as well as for international networking.

DPI Round Table with the Director of the Timbuktu Institute

The Documentation Centre for Political Islam organised a round table as part of the international networking on 25 October with Bakary Sambe, Director of the Timbuktu Institute (African Center for Peace Studies), in Vienna on 25 October. After a welcoming address by DPI Deputy Director Ferdinand Haberl, the renowned African expert discussed topics such as conflict prevention, Islamism and terrorism. This was followed by further keynote speeches by Erwin Ebermann, Florian Hartleb and Arno Sonderegger.

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