The Austrian Fund for the documentation of religiously motivated political extremism (Documentation Centre Political Islam) is a Fund of the Republic of Austria according to the Law on Trusts and Funds 2015. The aim of the Documentation Centre is the scientific analysis of the phenomenon of Political Islam, associated networks as well as formal and informal structures.


We are active in prevention and thus deepen awareness of various mechanisms and methods of political Islam and its dangers for the rule of law, its institutions, fundamental rights and democracy.


The Satanic Verses Controversy: Fatwas, Muslim Identity and the Ayatollahs

Among other things, the publication deals with the peculiarities of the fatwa system within the Twelver Shia, describes the significance of the controversial legal opinion against the well-known writer Rushdie as well as the ambivalent attitude of the government in Tehran. It also analyses the fierce global reaction to the publication of “The Satanic Verses” in the late 1980s and its consequences.

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Lisa Fellhofer and Mouhanad Khorchide on the past focal points of the DPI

The Documentation Centre for Political Islam takes a look back at the annual re-port in a final "Expert Talk" in 2023. DPI Director Lisa Fellhofer, together with the Chairman of the DPI's Scientific Advisory Board, Mouhanad Khorchide, will summarise the various focal points, publications and general issues in the field of activity. Among other things, reference is made to the example of the IVÖ, which shows how political Islam operates at community level.

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About us

The Austrian Fund for the documentation of religiously motivated political extremism (Documenta-tion Centre Political Islam) is a Fund of the Republic of Austria according to the Law on Trusts and Funds 2015. The aim of the Documentation Centre is the scientific analysis of the phenomenon of Political Islam, associated networks as well as formal and informal structures. The Centre observes origins and current trends in order to strengthen pluralism, democratic awareness and freedom of religion all over Austria. In order to fulfil its mandate, the Documentation Centre conducts research and informs the broader public about Political Islam. The work of the Documentation Centre is supported by a Scientific Advisory Council of independent experts chaired by Professor Mouhanad Khorchide.